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Why Is Carpool Not So Popular In Nigeria?

2022-11-05 19:03:33

"Little Einsteins, we're going on a trip in our favourite rocket ship, zooming through the sky." Don't worry, this isn't a space mission article; you're still on our carpool website. And we're here to talk to you and try to persuade you to carpool. It's always fun to travel with other people because conversations, jokes, and even music sound better when there are other people around. But is carpooling really this interesting and fun after all? Or is it just a quick taxi? Let's put on our digging job boots and dig a little deeper. What is it to carpool? There is no secret message; carpooling is as easy as it sounds. People who carpool and use only one vehicle to get to work each day share the same route. This is something that most people who live in the same apartment complex and work in the same area do. Think of it as a taxi running quickly. We all look for the best way to get to work, one that will save us time and money and get us there quickly. Carpooling in Nigeria is the answer to both of these problems, but we don't seem to think about it. Why? Nigerians share cars. Is it something to do with how we have brought up in (community of people/all good people in the world)? Is there something under this green solution that most people don't know but all fighters do, like something about the health of the Earth or the environment? We're willing to pay a lot for the fastest taxi, even though we don't know for sure if it's the best way to get to work. Well, the real thing that keeps people from carpooling is the way we act and think. Let's look at each aspect of our behaviour that affects our choice to carpool. The way Nigerians think about car sharing We Nigerians have a lot of feelings about our cars. A little bump on the side will make Nigerian fathers get very angry. Even though it's been used for more than a year, the plastic covers are still there. There is a variety of reasons why Nigerians are slow to act in linking their cars to a carpool website. Here are some of the reasons why: *Social Status In Nigeria, having a car is a sign that you've made it. No wonder 'Ghar and Gaadi' always go hand-in-hand. Owning a vehicle means owning your life, here! So it makes sense that sharing a car means sharing a life. And Nigerians are not ready to lose their social and financial standing. "I want to attach my car to the company," imagine talking about/saying this in front of the family. *Connection to the Car on an Emotional Level What do most Nigerian families do as soon as they get a car? Take it to church/mosque for prayers. Soon, a small god starts to decorate the dashboard and use his or her powers to get rid of the traffic jam. This car is more than just something I own. Do you remember all the promises and "mother swears" you had to make to get your parents to let you go for a ride in the car? Yes! It's hard to get these people to sign up their (very valuable/very much loved) cars on a carpool website. Because at the end of the day, someone will use their valuable thing as a taxi. How could they allow that to happen? *Reluctance to go on trips with strangers In a country like ours, it makes sense to be wary of travelling with people you don't know. People like to go places they've been before with people they already know. Even though they all try to be the best way to get to work, the big carpool websites still have trouble getting rid of this hesitation. *Co-passenger Behavior Problem with two sides I want to link my car to the company, but that doesn't mean I should be treated like a driver. You are in charge of your car, and even a short request from a carpool passenger can set you off. The uncle who pokes you and tells you to stay in your lane or the aunt who complains about the AC. Who wants to hear more commands from a person they don't know? This is a common problem that most carpool websites have to deal with often. Nigerians share cars. *There is a time limit It's not embarrassing to say that Nigerians usually don't respect each other's time. Being on time all the time isn't always important. But when I get a car of my own. If I'm done for the day, why should I wait for the rest? True! Also, carpooling might be the best way to get to work, but that depends on the people in the carpool (always being on time). And one person's delay shouldn't cause problems for other people. Another thing stopping people. What's different over time? While these changes did have an effect on the early days of carpooling, But the way people in Nigeria think is changing now. People, especially those who work, have started to see their own cars as more than just valuable things; they see them as useful things and valuable supplies. The Motor Vehicles Act isn't clear about what to do about people who share rides in Nigeria. Carpool websites and apps are trying to solve this big problem by getting people to link their cars to companies that make car sharing possible (able to be done). Carpool rides can be had for as little as N15/km from companies like GomywayRide. This can help people save up to N5,000 that they would have spent on their daily commutes otherwise. Not only does carpool work like a quick taxi, but the different ways to pay make the daily commute easy. No cash handling. Best ride to office should fight traffic, provide an easy parking place. Right! But more cars on the road make it hard for every private car owner to drive. Nigeria's traffic jam problem is being worked on by the Federal and state governments as well as big/enough carpool websites. *Verified User (raised, flat supporting surface) A website for carpooling like GomywayRide has two or three levels of checking for truth. This checking for truthfulness is done on the user's professional and personal information. Also, after the ride is over, users can review and rate each other. When someone gets bad reviews on the carpool website, their name goes on a list of bad people. It's better than the other choices. *Communication Flow between the Riders Once you've invited or joined a carpool ride, you can easily communicate with your fellow carpool riders. No more calling taxi drivers to ask them not to cancel on you. You are in charge of your ride when you carpool. *Repeat and Favorite Rides The Carpool website was made so that people going in the same direction could share a car. Because you're going to the same place at the same time, it's likely that you'll end up carpooling with the same people. GomywayRide lets riders make their own favourite routes that they can ride again and again. You will be told about your next ride without having to do anything. Your own little carpool group is the best way to get to work. Costs not too much Instead of paying N100/km for a taxi, carpooling lets you get around for as little as N15/km. You can also set your own price on websites and apps like GomywayRide that let you carpool. This is good for people who take the same route often and know how much it costs.

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2022-12-24 16:23:58

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Make Commuting Fun!

2022-11-05 19:01:40

Getting stuck at Silk board, Third mainland Bridge, is not anyone's idea of a good time. Most people who live in mainland and other major cities in the country have to spend a lot of time every day stuck in traffic. What are some other fun things we can do on the way to work or school besides complaining about the traffic? Check out some books No, we don't want you to get a book out and start reading! Use audiobooks or a service that broadcasts audio and video to find out what's new in your field. Podcasts are a great way to keep up with the news and events you care about. Podcasts from authors and professional writers like Malcolm X, Joe Rogan, and others are a great way to learn a lot. Pedal to work Do you live near where you work? Then cycling is a great way to get some exercise and get moving before the day even starts. Cycling can help lower blood pressure and improve blood flow. It can also make you more coordinated and give you more energy. This small change to something you do every day can help you stay healthy for the rest of your life. Listen to some music Music is a great way to calm down and take your mind off of things. Every week, listen to music you like or try a new type of writing or art. With online music services, you can just start streaming a (song collection/book for inserting pictures) or collected radio channel and enjoy the rest of the ride. Listen to some happy, upbeat music to set the mood for your workday. Share a ride to work Is it any surprise that we would suggest carpooling as a fun way to get to work? It should say, "When you think about it, we make it easy for everyone to share rides." Sharing rides with other working people every day can make your commutes more interesting and save you money on gas. When you ride with other people, there will be fewer cars on the road, which makes the commute faster for everyone. Why wouldn't you like it? GomywayRide makes it easy to share a ride.

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2022-12-24 23:15:53


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How to cut down your Carbon Emissions

2022-11-05 19:00:17

Worried that the Earth's health and the conditions around it are getting closer and closer to a point where they can't be fixed? You can do something, and it doesn't have to be a big change in how you live. We can all help lighten the load on the planet by reducing the amount of carbon that is sent out or given off. Here are four easy ways to change things. Get rid of old things Appliances like fridges, air conditioners, water heaters, and so on that aren't as efficient as newer models can do a lot of damage. This doesn't mean you have to get rid of a 5-year-old appliance, but if it's been around for 10?12 years, it might be time to get a new one. Even though it may cost a bit to buy a new fridge or water heater, in the long run, you will save money on your energy bills and it will pay for itself. Change to LED You still aren't using LED lights? So what? Not only are they cheap and easy to find, but they also use much less energy than older lighting methods. By getting rid of the halogen lights in your garage, kitchen, or bathroom, you can cut down on carbon emissions and save money on your power bill. Green energy As far as we know, there is no limit to how much energy we can get from the Sun. The sun gives us a lot of energy, so why not try to use it to power our homes? Solar heaters and even solar backups are easy to find and can help you save even more money on your power bills. Start sharing rides. I know this may sound (unfair-thinking), but taking cars and bikes off the road is a great way to cut down on carbon and pollution. By carpooling with people who have the same ideas as you, you can take up to three cars off the road. When your pool you (make something as small as possible/treat something important as if it's not important) the use of (coal, natural gas, oil, etc.) and increase space for vehicles, so you can move faster. It works out well for everyone involved. It is also much cheaper to carpool than to pay for gas every day. So start riding together.

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Air Pollution? What you need to know!

2022-11-05 18:59:00

Pollution is a fact of life in the world in which we all live. Some places have it worse than others, but we all have to deal with breathing in poisonous or disgusting fumes, working or living in noisy places, or having trouble sleeping because of too much light pollution. Let's talk about air pollution, which is one of the most important problems that makes life less enjoyable and even hurts crops grown by farmers. What makes the air dirty? There are a lot of things that pollute the air, but the burning of fossil fuels stands out (coal, natural gas, oil, etc.). Because we use cars, vans, buses, scooters, and bikes to get around every day, they are the ones that cause the most pollution. Coal, natural gas, oil, and other things that burn in an explosion, like oil and coal, give off sulphur dioxide, which is a poisonous gas. Since their main power needs are met by burning fossil fuels, factories, power plants, etc. also put out a lot of harmful gases (coal, natural gas, oil, etc.). Burning fields before planting new crops is an example of a farming practise that pollutes a small area and can spread to a large one. This is one reason why there is smog around Delhi and the NCR area during certain times of the year. Dangerous chemicals also get into the air through the building of new office buildings, high-rises, painting, tar fumes, and other things. Effects of Pollution in the Air Pollution doesn't just make our cities and towns look dirty; it can also make people sick and hurt the plants and animals in our country (things that are near and around something). Long-term breathing and lung illnesses, like breathing disease and lung cancer, are caused by breathing in things that make the air dirty, like oceans and factories. All of us could die because of these problems. Pollution is bad for everything, even crops that are grown by farmers. Due to ozone pollution (also called "smog"), crops aren't growing as well, which has made farming work well and get a lot done less around the world. Getting rid of air pollution What can we do about the problems mentioned above? In a previous blog post, we talked about ways to be good to the environment. Here are a few more choices that all of us have: Switching to energy vehicles that produce a lot with very little waste is a great first step, since burning coal, natural gas, oil, etc. for transportation is one of the biggest causes of air pollution. Stop burning trash in open areas where poisonous substances can get into the air. Plant a garden or at least a few trees. Do some research to find out which plants help clean the air by removing harmful chemicals from it. You can also bring these plants inside to make sure you're breathing clean, fresh air at home or at work. Change out old appliances like water heaters for ones that run on solar power. This way, you can use less traditional energy sources and lessen your need for (coal, natural gas, oil, etc.).

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Carpooling for Intercity/Interstate Travel

2022-11-05 18:57:14

If you're reading this (on a shared online writing page), you already know how great it is to share a ride to and from work. In addition to being more comfortable, less crowded, and less likely to get stuck, you can also meet new people and save money. But for longer trips, have you ever thought about carpooling? You might plan to go to another city on the weekend to get some rest and relaxation or to see family and friends who live nearby. Well, a lot of people offer rides and ask for rides to these places through the GomywayRide app. Let's look at what you can get out of these trips if you share a ride. Money-saving As the price of fuel goes up, so do the costs of travelling. Bus fares always go up when the price of fuel goes up, but they never go down when fuel prices go down. On the other hand, carpooling can save a lot of money, especially if the car is full. The more people in the car, the happier they are, and it also saves money. Comfort Bus rides are also usually longer and more tiring, and many people feel trapped and are terrified of being in a small space (surrounding conditions). A carpool gives you a lot more comfort and the chance to stop whenever you want to enjoy the beauty around you. Use-friendly When you book a bus, train, or even an aeroplane ticket, you need to think carefully and give it some serious thought. Cancellations are another hassle, and you never know if you will get your money back if you have to cancel. With the GomywayRide app, it's easy and painless to book a rideshare. In just three clicks, you can be on your way to your next intercity or interstate trip. Cancellation concerns We talked about how it can be a problem when regular ways of getting around aren't running. Depending on when you have to cancel, you might not get back much of the money you paid to make the reservation. When you carpool, on the other hand, you don't have to promise anything or pay anything ahead of time. All of these should be enough to convince you to try carpooling on your next trip outside of the city or state. Try it out and let us know how it went.

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Can ride-sharing really be a way forward for Enterprise Transportation?

2022-11-05 18:55:40

Large companies in most major cities in Nigeria count employee transportation as one of their three biggest costs. Workers at a typical large business use a variety of ways to get to work, including their own cars, shuttle/bus services provided by the company, paid taxi services, and public transportation. Transportation costs have a direct effect on what is most important, final, and money-making, and transportation facilities have a direct effect on how engaged employees are. This is not a clear, honest, or easy way to cut transportation costs, and if it's not done right, it could hurt employee engagement. So far, it's strange that these companies haven't taken advantage of the chance to cut costs as much as possible by making the most of the value that comes from shared employee transportation and making use of the things that workers can do in their own cars. So, the chance to lower transportation costs for the company hasn't been fully taken advantage of, and workers who use their own cars still have to pay the high costs that come with using a dedicated vehicle. What if the organization's main goal was to get as many people to work as possible by filling empty seats in workers' cars? [There are raised, flat surfaces that help with this, and one of them is GomywayRide; links are at the end of this post for those who are interested.] When it's no longer possible to save money by sharing rides, the next best thing might be to set aside and give company-provided transportation to the people who still couldn't find a way to share. This could be given out quickly and energetically as needed based on data about demand that is happening or can be seen right away. When looked at more closely, ridesharing has these direct benefits: The company saves money on the cost of transportation for its employees. Workers who drive to work can see the value of getting their gas and maintenance costs back. It lowers costs for both the Passenger (the person who wants a ride) and the Rider (the person who wants to give a ride). This means that both can make more money with the same amount of money. Ride-sharing can be an alternative for workers who don't want to take a taxi, even if the worker pays for it instead of the company. Ride-sharing lets workers travel with other workers, who would have to travel with a stranger otherwise (cab-driver). The first option is much safer than travelling with people you don't know. Increases employee engagement by giving them more chances to interact with their coworkers. Along the way, this helps to build informal networks within the organisation and on project teams. Keeping an employee who is engaged and has a lot of connections within the company is easier, which has a positive effect on the employee retention rate. If businesses or projects offer the right kinds of (rewards or reasons to do something) for sharing rides (or (things that make you less likely to do something), for not sharing rides, they stand to save a lot of money. Providing (rewards or reasons to do something) like first-come, first-served parking for shared cars and occasionally giving Green Fights to workers who log the most shared miles may be a good way to get people into the habit and show it in a good way. A (map of roads/plan for doing something) to reduce the need for parking spaces or a programme that makes car parks available on a weekly rotation may also be good ways to get people to share rides more. Given all of the above benefits that come at no extra cost (and sometimes even lower costs), shouldn't organisations make a serious effort to (help increase/show in a good way) technology-enabled ride-sharing among their workers?

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Public Transport, Public Nuisance.

2022-11-05 18:53:48

All of the public transportation systems in the country are broken. The connectivity leaves a lot to be desired, and most of the vehicles used are in very bad shape, even though the prices to travel keep going up. Let's look at the problems that people who use public transportation often have to deal with and see if there's a better way to get around. Irregular Timings Can you tell what time your bus or train will arrive in the morning? I doubt it very much, unless you can take the metro. Most public transportation has to deal with traffic jams or drivers and conductors who are too lazy or careless to care if they are late and make you wait. Angry and disobedient Passengers Do you wait until everyone gets off the bus or metro before you get on? Then you're a saint! Most people only think about themselves and try to quickly get on and off public transportation without giving a second thought to anyone else. This means that they will push, kick, and elbow anyone who gets in their way, including you. Living Dangerously Can't wait to get home after a long day at work, but the bus you have to take is so full that people are almost falling out? Holding on for dear life and standing on the footboard is not good for your health or the health of those around you. Sadly, this is just one of the bad things that happen because of how public transportation works in our country. Long Travels Since buses and trains travel long distances, it's possible that even a 10-kilometer trip could take 40 minutes to an hour, depending on traffic. Anyone who has been stuck in traffic at Silk Board knows how helpless it feels to just sit there and wait for the bus to move one metre forward. It's not a fun way to end the day. If you've ever used public transportation to get around your city, you know that these aren't the only things that bother and mess up the system. Isn't there an easy way to get around town that makes more with less waste? Why not help out by sharing a ride with someone else through Gomywayride?

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Launching Gomywayride Carpool in Lagos

2022-11-05 18:52:05

Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple, once said, "Who cares about the bloody ROI?" , and what mattered to him was how the customer felt about the whole (thing given/work done). Since I've lived in Lagos for 15 years, I don't really need to say that I love the city's culture, weather, food options, and so on. There are some things I don't like about the city, like the lack of basic amenities and the traffic. This city was never meant to grow as quickly as it is now. Changing the basic tools that a business or society needs to run is impossible at this point to help someone or take care of someone. A trip that should take 20 minutes can easily take 2 hours. There are places where I have to drive through trash, water coming out of a manhole, roads that have been dug up, and long lines of cars. All of these definitely make the commute twice as long. Even though these problems keep coming up and are eventually solved, there seems to be one that can't be fixed. TRAFFIC. If you do a survey and ask people to name the three things that bother them the most, traffic will come up more than once, along with things like sales calls, lost socks, mothers-in-law, bosses, etc. Carpooling is one of the best things we can do to stop traffic problems. So why not put it to good use? But ? HOW is still the big question for most of us. We now have apps that users can use to find people to share rides with, which is becoming a big deal all over the world. GomywayRide launches its ride-sharing app in Lagos with cutting-edge technology, automation from start to finish, and features that are easy to use. Why does GomywayRide exist? Tim Cook said that the customer experience is important, and that's exactly what GomywayRide says. With our weird and unpredictable work schedules and different needs, it's not possible to have just one carpool partner (able to be done). So, we give you the option to choose a carpool partner from a group of carpoolers, making your carpooling experience more flexible and doable. People can now share and save at the same time. You share rides with other people and save money, time, and the health of the Earth.

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